This round’s contenders: Lemon Blueberry Smash & Back Porch Bourbon–Lemon Blue Berry Smash-360 Vodka, fresh smashed lemons & blueberries, soda and a splash of blueberry juice. Served on ice.–Back Porch Bourbon: Woodford Reserve Bourbon, raspberry liqueur, fresh raspberries, lime, cranberry juice & soda. Served on ice.
Lest I be derelict in my duties, I felt my long absence between G2D2 posts merited knocking back two drinks for round two. As seen from above, I like getting my fruit. Just because you might be drunk does not mean you should ignore nutritional guidelines. I should mention that my food pyramid has a pool in the basement called booze.

I picked up both of these bad boys at a local joint, The Anchor. Great place, great food, good beer and drinky-drink selections. On to the librations…my initial selection was the Back Porch Bourbon. Like drinking a Smurf with diabetes, it proved too damn sweet.

As I slogged through the sweetness, the movie that came to mind was a gem from 1989 “Ginger Ale Afternoon” starring Lisa Simpson (Yeardly Smith). I regularly consider this film as a possible selection for an epidose, but I just can pull trigger. By that I mean, if I watched the whole movie I would have to shoot myself. I think the trailer is just plenty thank you very much. Much like just a couple of sips of the Back Porch Bourbon. Now, it should be noted that the Gonzo Missus rather enjoyed the Back Porch Bourbon over her drink, the aforementioned, Lemon Blueberry Smash. It was determined a swap was in order. Following a successfully executed drink switcheroo, I found a drink much more to my liking. The Lemon Blueberry Smash was nice and Vodka strong, but not overly sweet. I imagine a couple of them would knock me on my Gonzo ass, but I would feely immensely refreshed as I crashed to the ground on said posterior. Movie-wise, I put it on par with any of those emotion twisting dog movies they show you as a child. You think it is a nice little story about a kid and their pet, but by the end the dog is dead, rabid, or otherwise replaced. Take your pick from Old Yeller, Sounder, My Dog Skip, and to a lesser extent Cujo. Feel free to picture any traumatizing film from your childhood as an equivalent to having too many of these. Overall, I would elect to have a couple of these and risk the ass bruise. Just to tasty and refreshing. Now if you excuse me, I need to go form a lasting bond with a dog and then remind myself that I will more than likely outlive my four-legged friend. Someone get me a Lemon Blueberry Smash…cheap new balance trainers