All posts by hokey

You Have Entered the Phone Zone


So after struggling through my neat vintage Aiwa home theater Goodwill grab and nearly crunching the tap on the Phone Antics tape, I finally found a way to get the sound off.  For those who don’t remember, the holiday Epidose featured a gift exchange that included this weird looking Phone Antics tape.  Welp, I dug an old Walkman and was able to play the tape in its entirety.  A Gonzo tape indeed. Continue reading You Have Entered the Phone Zone

Uncle Mike’s Original Fart Book – About Uncle Mike…


Uncle Mike was born in the Missouri Ozarks in 1924.  He lived in the woods and was basically a hermit.  His life was meager and he barely managed to get by.  He was a very intelligent man and spent his life studying the flora and fauna of the Ozark woods and conducted scientific experiments.  Everyone assumed he would one day die in the woods that he had loved those many years. Continue reading Uncle Mike’s Original Fart Book – About Uncle Mike…